Aloha neighbors!

My name is Shirley Templo, and I am running to be your next State Representative for House District 30.
I humbly ask your vote for this upcoming election. Mahalo! 




Hickam Village

Strengthening Bonds Through Active Community Engagement

It’s all about kuleana (taking responsibility) and kokua (taking action to help). I have dedicated my life to public service because it is my passion and was instilled in me. 
House District 30 Council, Chair

Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi

Congratulations to all District Councils especially District 30 for our unwavering commitment to make our neighborhoods and communities a better place.
Board Member

Neighborhood Board No. 15

I am deeply committed to serving our community and working tirelessly to make positive contributions to our organization. Together, we have the opportunity to achieve great things and make a meaningful impact.
Legislative Representative

St. Anthony Church (Kalihi)
Filipino Catholic Club

Stewardship is active discipleship, extending beyond clichés. Through giving, praying, and serving, we embody faith and trust in God’s provision while nurturing connections with our community. Let’s live as faithful stewards together.

Oahu Filipino Catholic Club

In the Church, distinct from consecrated life and apostolic societies, are associations where clerics and laity work together for spiritual growth, public worship, evangelization, and charitable initiatives. Joining associations approved by ecclesiastical authority is encouraged for the faithful.

Farrington High School
School Community Council

School Community Councils were established “to provide a mechanism whereby parents, the community and other key stakeholders can have a substantially increased voice in the affairs of their local schools, with a clear and concrete enunciation of powers and responsibilities, and how these are shared with those of the principal.”

Farrington Alumni and
Community Foundation

Once a Gov, ALWAYS a Gov!
Founded in 1975, the Farrington Alumni and Community Foundation (FACF) began with seven graduates aiming to provide scholarships. Now Hawaii’s largest public school alumni group, FACF supports Farrington High School with thousands annually, embodying its motto of service.
Shirley Templo
On all levels of governance we need equitable conversations. We need to encourage engagement. We need to release barriers of communication.

Follow Shirley to Shape a Brighter Future, Together!

Stay informed about Shirley’s campaign for House Representative District 30. Together, we’ll work to address community needs, advocate for positive change, and build a better future for all. Follow for updates, insights, and opportunities to get involved in shaping policies that matter to you and our community.
Your voice matters!

Thoughtful Political Views

Strengthening the Foundation:
Policies for Middle-Class Growth and Economic Prosperity

It is essential to factor all the moving parts that boost productivity and investment of a successful economy.

The government must act to strengthen and expand the middle class. A strong middle class is the backbone to a prosperous economy and healthy society. Hands-down, the middle class is highly important. Yet, the growth of the middle class and working families is slow-growing.

Recently, lawmakers have passed legislation to have $18 an hour by 2028, which will stimulate the earnings for low- and middle-wage jobs.

On a fundamental level, it is important to invest in public goods, education, health and infrastructure, which is the base of the private sector. The private sector is critical to economic growth and poverty reduction.

Some policy ideas to focus on the economic stimulation of the middle class are supplementing worker’s income, providing paid family leave and investing in education.

Fostering Fairness and Unity:
Promoting Effective Communication in a Democratic Environment

Creating and maintaining an environment for a fair and democratic arena is essential. This means at the very least building professional bonds with our colleagues despite our differences in opinions.

Effective communication and sharing common goals are the keys to bridge gaps and bring people together.

It is virtuous that our elected officials/leaders show humility in a world full of conflict. Finding compromise after having a fair discussion (hearing and acknowledging everyone’s inputs) results in better solutions and legislation.
Personal duty/agenda should not be at the forefront of the discussion. Respecting everyone’s thoughts and feelings and where they stand on the issue, will result in a more comprehensively formed decision. It’s frustrating when we don’t meet eye-to-eye.

Sometimes, all we need is acknowledgement; like saying, “I hear you” goes a long way. Also, if mistakes are made, saying, “I’m sorry,” takes us even further.

Healthy, productive communication and action is the foundation of building bridges so gaps can be filled by parties on every side of the crack.

Enhancing Public Engagement: Innovations in Legislative Transparency and Accessibility

Public participation and meaningful inputs into the decision-making process are important.

Elected officials need to take responsibility in informing their communities of legislative and community matters and ensure that they are always being kept in the loop.

I would make the Legislature more transparent and accessible by creating an online virtual Public Access Room (PAR), with an online virtual attendant. With the expansion and accessibility of technology, it is necessary that we utilize these tools to be a resource for our people.

Expanding our PARs in community spaces within each neighborhood that could offer beneficial public resources. Shared spaces with other government buildings like the public library could be an option to hold a PAR. Another idea is to have a mobile rotating PAR, that can visit each community periodically.

Also, we should upgrade our Hawaii State Legislature website to a more user-friendly and engaging system. I had a discussion with my good friend Lloyd, and we both agreed that looking up bills can be difficult and confusing. Through an improved legislative search engine, there could be an option where bills are searchable and organized by topic and subtopic, kind of like how Reddit has their conversations laid out.

Serve, Engage, and Transform

Whether you reside in House District 30, Honolulu, or anywhere nationwide, jump in and join our movement to shape a progressive future.

Empower Change

Whether you reside in House District 30, Honolulu, or anywhere nationwide, jump in and join our movement to shape a progressive future.

Embracing All

Inclusive volunteering builds a stronger community.  Regardless of your political experience, age, or abilities — there’s a place for you on Team Templo!